Wednesday 25 November 2015

  Child Labour in Pakistan

Children are the flowers of paradise. They are the most attractive and purest creation of ALLAH (SWT). They are simple-minded both silently and superficially. No doubt, they are the loveliness of this world.

Child Labour:

          The term “child labour” is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.
In its most extreme forms, child labour involves children being enslaved, separated from their families, exposed to serious hazards and illnesses and/or left to fend for themselves on the streets of large cities – often at a very early age. Whether or not particular forms of “work” can be called “child labour” depends on the child’s age, the type and hours of work performed, the conditions under which it is performed and the objectives pursued by individual countries.

Child Labour in Pakistan:

    Child labour in Pakistan is the employment of children for work in Pakistan, which causes mental, physical, moral and social harm to children.The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan estimated in the 1990s, 11 million children were working in the country, half of which were under the age of ten. In 1996, the median age for a child entering the work force was seven, down from eight years old in 1994. It was estimated that one quarter of the country’s work force was made up of children.


      The International Labour Organisation (ILO) suggests that poverty is the greatest single cause behind child labour. Pakistan has a per-capita income of approximately $1900. A middle class person in Pakistan earns around $5 a day on average. The average Pakistani has to feed nine or ten people with their daily wage. Further to that there is also the high inflation rate to contend with. As of 2008, 17.2% of the total population lives below the poverty line, which is the lowest figure in the history of Pakistan. Poverty levels in Pakistan appear to necessitate that children work in order to allow families to reach their target takehome pay. For companies, the low cost of child labour gives manufacturers a significant advantage in the Western marketplace, where they undersell their competitors from countries which prohibiting child labour.

There are many factors which are the cause of child labour in Pakistan.Some are discussed below.

  • Poverty
  • Unemployment
  • Lack of education
  • overpopulation   


       Poverty in Pakistan is one of the most burning issues. As of 2010, “about 40 percent of the total population was living below the poverty line” (World Bank). It means more than one-third of the total population or in other word about 70 million out of 180 million people are living below the poverty line.
 Poverty is one of the main cause of child labour. Poor parents not send their children to school rather they send them to do some work or to earn some money. Due to poverty children are forced to work in the formative years at a very risky places i.e. underground mines, cement industry, manufacturing etc.


         Another important reason is unemployment which forces the parents to send their children to school as these poor people know that their children will remain unable to get a respectable position in society as they will not get a good job.   
Unemployment affects not just the person himself but also his/her family and in the long run the society where he lives. 

Lack of Education:

        Lack of education is one of the reason of child labour. The parents of these unfortunate children are usually illiterate. They do not have the ability to realise what they are doing with the future of their children. They push them out to face the hatred and indifference of people.
This kind of attitude with children destroys their personality and makes them submissive just like servants. It also damages their self esteem and forces them to bear the inhuman behaviour of those who are higher in status to these children.


         Pakistan is a populated country. More than 20 crore people are living in Pakistan.Over population is also one of the cause of child labour. Due to limited resources and growing need of food children are forced to work in different fields. They have to work for their family. They have to contribute with their parents to fulfill their basic needs. 

Forms of Child Labour:

     Child Labour exists in many forms in Pakistan. Some common forms are as follow:

1. Child Labour in Agriculture:

     Majority of the child labour in Pakistan is working in agriculture sector. More children are working in rural areas than in urban areas. Their activities include taking care of animals, cutting wood, water spraying, cutting and loading of agri goods etc. Land lords use children for their own work. They some times ignore the needs of the children which are working for them.

Child Labour in Industry:

        In Pakistan children are also working in Industrial sector. Mostly children are working in carpet industry, glass bangles industry, surgical industry, fishing industry etc. A research by ILO, in the Punjab 107000 children (5 -14 age group) are working in carpet making including 59% girls. 
Large number of children are employed in glass bangles industry. Surgical industry is one of those industries which require quick finger and fast work only possible from children. So children are working in different stages of manufacture of surgical instruments.
A large number of children are working in fishing industry. They work in sea fishing, boat making and processing. These children work either with their father or some other family members to earn for their family.

Child Labour in Domestic Services:

          Child Labour in domestic services is very common. It may be paid or unpaid. It takes place in homes and duties include cleaning, cooking, baby sitting, caring etc. Domestic work is mainly done by female child labour. They work long hours, do not go to school and many of them are separated from their parents for long time. Some times these children become the victim of domestic violence. The owners treat them badly which effect the children mental and physical health.

Child Labour in Begging Profession:

           There are two types of child beggars; one who is doing it as a profession and the other is child peddler who begs in order to survive. There is huge number of child labour in begging and it is increasing. The employer keeps the major portion of the earning. In addition to begging, children in begging are abused from their childhood either by parents, members of the family or a third party who hires the child in return for the money as a begging  tool. 

Effects of Child Labour:

  • Reduces Human Capital
  • Combining Work and Schooling
  • Energy Consumption
  • Sleep
  • Temperature
  • Physical Strain

Steps to Control Child Labour:

  • Proper Education
  • Poverty Control
  • Implementation of Laws
  • Control of Population

Proper Education:

      Education of parents and children plays a major role in reducing child labour. It has been the main tool for eliminating or preventing child labour. Organizations can use education as a principal means for combating education. With right kind of education and support, children and youth learn to overcome challenges and encourage each other to succeed.

Poverty Control:

       Poverty is the cause of child labour. There should be effective steps to control poverty. Government and other organizations can control poverty by making effective policies and decisions, which will be helpful in reducing child labour. There should be introduced welfare programs for the poor people, so they do not send their children for work. 

Implementation of Laws:

       There are certain laws which are made for specifically children only. These Laws should be implemented in proper ways. The proper implementation of these laws help in reducing child labour. Our judicial system should be strong enough to provide justice to the people. Child Labour Laws should be put into practice strictly.

Control of population:

      By controlling population the problem of child labour can be reduced. There are different programs in this context to give awareness to the people. Because when there is large family there are more need of food and other basic needs. And to fulfill these basic needs children are forced to work. 


        Child Labour is not only a social issue it is an educational, domestic, economic rather we can say it is a global issue. There is a need for raising awareness among parents and employers about the importance of education and the hazards children face at the workplace. The government should bring out a solid strategy to discourage child labour in the country and support poor families by providing them financial assistance and job opportunities.





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